Ask a Librarian

SGE Library (formerly Lively Library) is a mixed age library. We pride ourselves in providing an excellent service, with approachable staff, but also with an excellent, well-maintained selection. We mainly offer children's books. However, our teen and adult sections are expanding rapidly. Our overall aim is to provide the best books, for no expense of your own. This encourages reading which stimulates the mind, helps you acquire knowledge, expands your vocabulary and sharpens your writing skills.

Library Quotas and Allowances:
Regular members are allowed to take out up to 3 books, at no cost. Every extra book will be an additional 50p. If you desire a large amount of books, you must make a booking via our email.

Premium Members (Loyalty Card) members are now allowed up to 7 books at a time. Every additional book will cost you 50p. If you desire a large amount of books, you must make a booking via our email.

To become a member of the SGE Library, please visit us inside the library, or you may now register online. If you would like to upgrade to a Premium Membership, to experience the ultimate library perspicacity, please visit our library and ask a member of staff.

Happy reading!
Phone: ( our phone number is kept private. )